Family Counselling and Therapy
At Attuned Families we believe that your family can be a place of nourishment, filling you, your partner and your children with love and courage so that everyday life is easier and more enjoyable.
Family Counselling helps every family member feel seen and valued. Your family’s unique needs and goals are at the centre of our process. At Attuned Families, our priority is to ensure a safe and inclusive space for every family. We welcome you to let us know what we can do to ensure your family feels safe and included.
Family Therapy Can Help
Build a supportive environment in your family
Help stop power struggles with your child
Improve behaviours among family members
Reduce family conflict and stress
Improve relationships with your kids
Children become happier, healthier and more resilient
How does family counselling work?
How family therapy works depends on the unique needs of each family. We use different types of family therapy (all evidence-based methods) to help families address problematic patterns. This happens through what we call “processing,” as well as through concrete tasks that build trust, understanding and connection between family members.
Our methods do not require the whole family to be present at each session. Sometimes family members are seen separately. Children’s involvement in Family Therapy will depend on their age and the issues at hand.
Sometimes it’s hard to understand what the problem is and if you really need family therapy. If you are contemplating Family Therapy but are still unsure, scroll down and take the first step - book an Initial Family Therapy Assessment.
Therapy for families empowers parents
Parenting today is confusing and comes with very high expectations. Family therapy can help you clear away the background noise and replace it with the simple strategies, skills and support you need to feel confident in your parenting choices.
Improve relationships with your children
The parent-child relationship is foundational to child development and pivotal in the treatment of children’s mental health conditions.
Family therapy can help you understand your child’s feelings and behaviour, reducing irritation and worry and increasing your confidence.
If you are concerned about your child’s behaviour or well-being, Family Counselling is a great way to address this.
Start building healthy relationships
If your family relationships are suffering, you are not alone and it’s not your fault. None of us are set up for success in raising healthy children and establishing health family relationships. In fact in modern society, there are a lot of structures working against us. Through family therapy, we can not only help you shift patterns in family relationships so that family members can enjoy life together, we can help you identify and overcome barriers that have been undermining you.
How we can help with family therapy
We all deserve to experience family life as fulfilling. Imagine fewer power struggles, improved relationships, and enjoying a sense of ease and joy within your family.
Book Family Counselling in Toronto
It’s our privilege as Family Therapists to help families overcome barriers and feel better. In family Counselling, small changes can make a BIG impact. Taking the first step can feel daunting. And that first step is often the most important. When you contact us, we will ensure that you get the support you need - whether through us or elsewhere, and we will make the process as easy and comfortable as possible.